Meal Prep

Favorite Frittata

This frittata recipe is my favorite because you can really make it your own. I make it ALL THE TIME but it ends up being different every time with different veggies, spices and cheese so I don’t get sick of it. I also love that it’s so easy to make, keeps well and is VERSATILE. You can eat it as breakfast, lunch or even “brinner” or snack on it. A meal prep staple in my house.

A few notes:

Eggs: I recommend using pasture-raised eggs, but of course, use whatever eggs you want. See my “how to buy egg-celent eggs” blog post to read about what the different egg classifications mean.

Veggies: You can pick whatever veggies you want for this recipe and there is no exact amount, just be mindful of the egg to veggie ratio. I am putting a list below of some veggies I have tried in this recipe and whether I think they are best raw, cooked, or either way. However, do NOT feel limited by my veggie suggestions, there are so many more options.

Bell peppers (either), Onions (either), Mushrooms (cooked), Broccoli/Cauliflower/Brussels Sprouts (cooked), Spinach & other greens (raw), Tomatoes (either way)

Lemon Blueberry Muffins (Paleo-Friendly)

These muffins truly encompass summer flavors in my opinion! They are a great breakfast or grab and go snack and have natural protein from the eggs and are lower in sugar. Like I said in the instructions, they are best when served warm, I love to reheat mine in the toaster oven. These can also be a great addition to meal prep!

Easy Citrus Dijon Salmon

I eat salmon at least once a week and honestly, I don’t get sick of it. Usually I just spray it with some avocado oil and throw on some spices and throw it in the oven. But I realized, this recipe is JUST as easy but has such a unique and satisfying flavor profile. When I made it the first time, my husband was really pleasantly surprised that we weren’t just doing the same old thing with our salmon. It truly takes only a few minutes so I hope you try it and love it too!

Zucchini Basil Veggie Cakes

These are a great plant-based protein to add to any meal that happens to sneak in veggies AND has the most delicious, refreshing flavor with the basil. I used kaniwa, which, is actually a seed (not technically a grain) to make mine but I think you could easily sub quinoa since I know that is more commonly found. I get my organic kaniwa from Suncore Foods, you can use code PRESSSTART15 if you want to save $$ on anything from them too! (I love all their products). Another thing I love about this recipe is that it’s a great one for meal prep. These cakes are easy to make and can be served all week as a main dish or an easy pop-in-your mouth snack!

No-fuss Mediterranean Tuna Salad

Although I love to cook, I’m really all about those simple but satisfying and flavorful recipes. This is definitely one of them. You don’t have to turn on the oven, it uses minimal ingredients but it’s tasty AF! I love using Tonnino tuna filets because a) it tastes amazing b) it’s low mercury c) it’s wild-caught d) it’s dolphin safe e) the “flavored” ones use such quality ingredients! Like the oregano flavor I used here just has tuna, quality olive oil, water, sea salt, oregano and oregano oil and it takes the work of seasoning out for me. Anyways, this recipe is amazing on crackers, toast (like my magic bread), by itself or on a bed of greens.

Creamy Coconut Chia Pudding

This recipe is stupid easy. You’ll do it once and be like “that was it?” … which, is one of the many reasons I love it so much. It’s also great for meal prep since it’s easy to make ahead, very portable, and lasts most of the week. This creamy coconut chia pudding can be eaten as a breakfast, snack, or even a topping for another food (ahem waffles and pancakes!) Bonus, it is completely free of processed ingredients and is full of healthy fats, fiber and protein to keep you full for a long while! Can’t wait to hear what your favorite toppings are.

Sweet Potato Toast

This recipe is SO easy it’s barely a recipe. But I find people do need instructions to make it, so here it is. I like to meal prep these and make 2-3 potatoes at once then take out a few slices when I’m hungry. They last pretty well in the fridge so it just makes it a lot easier later on.

Honey Beet Muffins

Get it it… honey beet like honey bee… ok never mind, I thought it was clever. Anyways, the honey and the beets go together perfectly in these muffins! They really compliment each other’s flavors. There isn’t too much honey, so they aren’t super sweet, but that makes them the perfect blood-sugar-balancing snack for any time of day! And they sneak in a serving of veggies, which is always welcomed! The amazing thing about beets is that they help our blood carry nitrates around our body, which means better oxygen flow, which means better heart health and cardiovascular function overall! That’s a win if you ask me. I used Cece’s Veggie Co beet noodles to take an extra step out of the process, plus they’re organic. You can find them near you here. Now for the muffins…

Greek Zoodles & Meatballs

I am a huge Greek salad fan and I think so many people can agree with me. It’s such a classic salad flavor combination… but it’s always fun to put new twists on it. This recipe is really easy to whip up for rushed weeknights but delicious enough for a weekend treat. I love it because it contains my magic combination of PFFP (protein, fat, fiber, phytonutrients). There is protein in the meatballs and some in the feta, there are healthy fats in the feta cheese, olives, almond flour in the meatballs and some in the meat itself, all of the veggie toppings and veggie noodles have both fiber and phytonutrients for a winning combo! If the olives and feta on here are making you wary of fats, read my “why not to fear fats” blog post! Oh and you can get your own pre-made organic veggie noodles from Cece’s near you, find them here.

Paleo-Friendly Banana Bread (No-Sugar Added)

This banana bread has been a huge hit with everyone who has taste tested it! No one can even guess that it is sweetened ONLY by the bananas, and it has the most divine texture! It’s completely gluten, grain, dairy and added sugar free but not flavor-free at all! I love making different versions of it by adding different “mix ins” each time (nuts, dried blueberries, chocolate, seeds, you name it!)

Banana Flax Waffles

I am obsessed with waffles. There, I said it, I LOVE WAFFLES! This is one of my favorite recipes to make a big batch of on Saturday and Sunday and enjoy for brunch, then have extras to pop in the toaster oven for a super easy breakfast during the week. These also freeze well (wrap them tightly in ceran wrap) and can be popped in the toaster oven right from the freezer too. I like to let the banana do the sweetening, but if you want a sweeter waffle you could add a bit of maple syrup or honey to the batter or just drizzle it on top.

Granola Stuffed Banana Bread Cookies

Honestly, the overly long name of this recipe really says it all. These cookies combine all the best things - banana bread, granola, and cookies. I mean what more could you ask for? Bonus is that they are only sweetened by the banana, and have healthy fats, fiber and protein to keep you full. So these are a great sweet treat or energizing snack! Whenever I have ripe bananas I like to make a batch for snacking on the go.

Raw Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Bites

Be warned now, these taste DANGEROUSLY close to real cookie dough, and thus are very addicting. However, lucky for you, they're super clean! They really need no other formal introduction other than that, they're basically protein and nutrient rich cinnamon cookie dough. What could be better?!

Lemon Tahini Dressing

This lemon tahini dressing is DELISH and refreshing! Do you need another reason to make it? Plus it's nut-free and massaged into kale it's divine. Enough said, it's easy and keeps for a while in the fridge.

Favorite Broccoli

Nothing too special about this broccoli recipe except that it is my FAVORITE and I make it almost every week. Simple to meal prep, lasts for a while, and SO rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, fiber, Vitamin B6 and more! You can mix up the spices or the fat to change the flavor to match whatever you're pairing it with. 

Spinach Swiss Egg Cups

Meal prep at its finest.  These little egg cups will keep you on track all week long - they are the perfect make once, eat many times breakfast, snack or even lunch!  They are packed with protein and vitamins from the spinach and are super lean.