Greek Zoodles & Meatballs

I am a huge Greek salad fan and I think so many people can agree with me. It’s such a classic salad flavor combination… but it’s always fun to put new twists on it. This recipe is really easy to whip up for rushed weeknights but delicious enough for a weekend treat. I love it because it contains my magic combination of PFFP (protein, fat, fiber, phytonutrients). There is protein in the meatballs and some in the feta, there are healthy fats in the feta cheese, olives, almond flour in the meatballs and some in the meat itself, all of the veggie toppings and veggie noodles have both fiber and phytonutrients for a winning combo! If the olives and feta on here are making you wary of fats, read my “why not to fear fats” blog post! Oh and you can get your own pre-made organic veggie noodles from Cece’s near you, find them here.