
Favorite Frittata

This frittata recipe is my favorite because you can really make it your own. I make it ALL THE TIME but it ends up being different every time with different veggies, spices and cheese so I don’t get sick of it. I also love that it’s so easy to make, keeps well and is VERSATILE. You can eat it as breakfast, lunch or even “brinner” or snack on it. A meal prep staple in my house.

A few notes:

Eggs: I recommend using pasture-raised eggs, but of course, use whatever eggs you want. See my “how to buy egg-celent eggs” blog post to read about what the different egg classifications mean.

Veggies: You can pick whatever veggies you want for this recipe and there is no exact amount, just be mindful of the egg to veggie ratio. I am putting a list below of some veggies I have tried in this recipe and whether I think they are best raw, cooked, or either way. However, do NOT feel limited by my veggie suggestions, there are so many more options.

Bell peppers (either), Onions (either), Mushrooms (cooked), Broccoli/Cauliflower/Brussels Sprouts (cooked), Spinach & other greens (raw), Tomatoes (either way)

Spinach Swiss Egg Cups

Meal prep at its finest.  These little egg cups will keep you on track all week long - they are the perfect make once, eat many times breakfast, snack or even lunch!  They are packed with protein and vitamins from the spinach and are super lean.