
Coconut Sea Salt Caramel Snack Bars (Paleo-friendly, No-bake)

These bars taste like candy if I do say so myself. I had a few toddlers taste test them and they agreed ;) However, they’re made from all whole foods ingredients. They’re super easy to whip up (you don’t even need to turn on the oven and you ONLY use your food processor) so there is minimal mess. Plus they’re full of filling healthy fats and fiber that help balance your blood sugar with the natural sweetness from the dates. So they’ll give you that long sustained energy instead of that spike, crash, then craving for another spike (we’ve all been there).


Cocoa Cashew No Bake Energy Bites

These energy bites seriously hit the spot… they’re fudgey and chocolatey and don’t require baking (hello summer is coming and I’m pregnant so oven-free will be KEY!). They have minimal sugar (and it’s coming from nutrient-dense sources like raw honey) plus they are packed with all my other faves - fiber, protein, healthy fats! They also have superfoods like cacao which is rich in magnesium, a mineral many Americans are deficient in. I used Thera Treats CBD dark chocolate in this because not only is it super high quality soy-free, organic dark chocolate but it has healing properties. CBD can help with pain management, anxiety, relaxation, sleep and more! You can use code CPRESS on your own CBD treats from their website if you want.

Raw Cookie Dough Bites

These bite-sized snacks will have you feeling like you're eating raw cookie dough! But you won't get salmonella AND they're super healthy for you - win win :) Made with chickpeas, nut butter, a bit of protein and cacao nibs for that superfood power, they're simple, healthy & delicious.

Simple Chia Pudding

If you like the thick texture of rice pudding - but want something a WEE BIT healthier then this recipe is for you! It's thick and creamy and so easy to make. It's loaded with protein and healthy fatty acids (omega 3s) and is low carb! Perfect snack or breakfast or as a "parfait". Plus SO easy to make! (Added bonus - it's vegan/paleo/whole30 and gluten/dairy-free)

Matcha Balls

Matcha has SO many health benefits. The caffeine gives us an energy boost, the antioxidants help reduce inflammation and support our immune system, a special component of it called ECG helps boost our metabolism and speed up our calorie burning and help to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, a special amino acid in matcha also helps increase alertness and cognitive function. So basically if we eat matcha we will be more alert, feel  better, be smarter and burn more calories... and who doesn't want all those things! So you better get rolling on these balls :) P.S. they are super low carb and sugar and full of protein and healthy fats!

Turmeric Ginger Recovery Zoats

The superfood combination of turmeric and ginger in these oats work their superpowers on your body to help you recover from those tough workouts! The zucchini just adds some extra nutrients & a fluff factor & you really don't taste it so it's a great way to sneak in veggies (which ALSO help your body recover from workouts!) So try these turmeric ginger recovery zoats... it's easy to mix up a bunch of batches for #mealprep and eat them all week :)

Cashew Maca Cookie Clusters

Maca is a superfood that among many other important things, helps to balance our hormones! And hormones rule the body, so I'd say we want to keep those balanced.  The taste of these little energy bites reminds me of snow ball cookies (if you have ever had those) because the cashews give them a creamy yet crunchy texture. These are also low carb and packed with protein and involve ZERO cooking, hooray! So keep those hormones in check and nosh on these.

Carrot Cake Bites

These carrot cake energy bites are a great way to get in a bit of veggies when you're craving something sweet.  These protein-powder free energy bites are perfect on top of yogurt for breakfast, by themselves as a snack or for a sweet treat for dessert.  The best part is, they're no bake!

Cacao Crunch Bliss Balls

These little bites are loaded with protein, and the cacao gives them tons of magnesium, iron and antioxidants and low on sugar.  These use dried mulberries, which are about 1/10th the sugar of dates and contain tons of phytochemicals themselves - including iron, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, and plenty of dietary fiber.  Now to the important part - they taste like little bites of fudge with bursts of crunch inside.  Satisfy your sweet tooth here without the guilt.  

Pretty Pitaya Bowls

For those who don't know, pitaya is dragon fruit.  I use "Pitaya Plus" packets (they come frozen) since pitaya is a super fruit indigenous to South America ... so unfortunately I can't find them locally in Michigan.  These packets are organic, non-GMO and only contain one ingredient and are easy to pop in the blender to still get the same great health and taste benefits.  Pitaya is low in sugar AND a great source of:

  • Magnesium

  • Iron

  • Vitamin C

  • Antioxidants

  • Vitamin B2

So blend away! Below are some suggestions of different combinations I've done with my bowls - some may sound strange, but be adventurous and give them a try! Get creative and let me know if you mix up any amazing creations!

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Schmear

I find I often have half used cans of pumpkin in my kitchen... not sure if that's just me but most recipes don't call for the entire can.  I created this recipe to use up the rest and it is a pumpkin peanut butter party in your mouth! For people with kids who won't eat vegetables but will eat peanut butter, this is a great way to disguise some of those veggie vitamins!