
"Califlour" Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Cauliflower crust is definitely having a moment. However, not all cauliflower pizza crusts are created equal.  I LOVE Califlour (it's made in California and doesn't contain flour, get it) because it contains only 4 SIMPLE ingredients (a lot of other brands contain many more processed ingredients) and it is SO easy to prepare, tastes great, and has the least carbohydrates of any brand out there (see comparison below). I'm not sponsored by Califlour, just obsessed! Here is a link to order your own. Use code PRESS10 for 10% off!

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Pearl Butter

Pearl Butter coconut butter (hello healthy fats) contains adaptogens (hello balanced mood and hormones) and collagen (hello skin, hair, bones and gut health) so it's truly a SUPER food! Each different color is not only beautiful, and makes eating feel like a day in the art gallery, but has different benefits! You can save 20% on your own with code PRESS20! Go here to get yours!

Silver Fern Probiotics & Multivitamins

First of all, why use a probiotic period? Long story short, they help nurture the "good bacteria" in our gut and kill off the "bad bacteria". This helps manage digestion, metabolism, immune system, mood, energy levels, glycemic control and more! My favorite is Silver Fern. You can use code PRESSSTART at checkout to save money on your own! You can also get it on Amazon HERE.

Now, why use Silver Fern Brand? Not all probiotics are created equal. The reason I love and trust Silver Fern Brand is because they are DNA verified for survivability! This sounds super fancy and confusing but I'll explain what it means. Many probiotic supplements are actually dead on the shelf (or will die soon) and this actually has no benefit to us so we end up paying a bunch of money for no benefit. Silver Fern uses 3rd party testing to guarantee 100% survivability of their strains, meaning it WILL have an impact on your body. Additionally, 90% of probiotics contain bacterial strains not listed on the bottle. If the brand is not DNA verified, they can do this, and this means, we have no idea what we are getting. Finally, Silver Fern uses powerful, multifunctional bacterial strains. It doesn't necessarily use MORE different strains since more isn't always better. Since these strains are DNA tested, they are actually effective. A lot of other brands use more different strains that are not DNA tested and this can a gimmick to get the consumer to think they are getting a better product.

Silver Fern also makes multivitamins and more. This brand is quality and you can use my discount PRESSSTART on anything from them!

Healthy Human Life (water bottles & mugs)

I LOVE my Healthy Human Life stein for keeping cool liquids cold and hot liquids hot! It's the best for reducing waste and avoiding unhealthy plastics that contain things like BPAs. It's also great for "on the go". You can get 10% off your own on Amazon by clicking this link & using code PRESSN10 at checkout.

Cassava Flour

This grain-free & paleo-friendly flour is made from a root vegetable (think potatoes) so it contains no grains! I love it for its health benefits & baking texture. I put it into donuts, waffles, cookies, and even use it for making "air-fried" vegetables! My favorite brand is Otto's Cassava Flour & you can get your own here on their website OR on Amazon HERE. You can find a bunch of recipes that use it on my recipes page.

Collagen Peptides

Why use Collagen?

Collagen peptides are a natural part of the human body comprising about 70% of human skin. Collagen peptides also make up parts of hair, bone matrix and joints. However, after age 21, the body’s natural collagen production begins to slow. For this reason, it's important to supplement our natural production of collagen peptides. I LOVE Further Food's collagen options because it is clean, grass-fed collagen, is tasteless and mixes into ANYTHING.

What is collagen?

Collagen peptides are a mix of specific peptides of different length with a high abundance of certain amino acids. Different peptides can provide different health benefits – everything from nutricosmetic purposes to increasing athletic ability. Collagen can increase skin elasticity, reduce cellulite, improve gut health and digestion, strengthen bones and joints, has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, stabilizes blood sugar and controls appetite, to name a few.

Get your own collagen with code START10 for 10% off and free shipping on the Further Food website.

You can also order off Amazon here!

Nuzest Pea Protein Powder

As you all know, one of my main recommendations for a healthy diet and lots of energy, is to spread your protein consumption through out the day. Because of the way our body absorbs protein, this helps us maximize absorption. Which is why it's SO important to have a good, clean protein powder that is easy on the tummy and the taste buds. I recommend Nuzest!

You can use this link to buy your own and automatically get a special DISCOUNT at check out :)

OR it's available on amazon here.